5 Super-Adorable Animals That Can Kill The Hell Out Of You
http://ift.tt/2rrUBIg Most zookeepers claim that elephants throwing things is rare, unlikely behavior, due to boredom or annoyance in captivity. Which is bullshit, because this elephant just chucked a stone at a rhino to say piss off. VIDEO And this elephant chucked a log at a car because ... well, who really knows? VIDEO And that's the point: We have plenty of examples of elephants throwing things randomly. Like this elephant that threw a rock at a woman and knocked her tooth out. And then there was this zoo visitor who thought she was playing catch with an elephant. VIDEO Yes, elephants are masters of projectile warfare. 1 Horny Deer Stab People To Death All The Time Deer are the gentlest, most timid of animals. That's what they want you to think, anyway. In reality, that's all a cover for their homicidal rage. Gerald Rushton went into a pen to feed a pet stag. The deer was horny (it was the middle of mating season) and there weren't any doe in his pen. Driven mad by blue balls, it mauled Rushton to death. ninocare/Pixabay Fluke? Tell that to Ron Dudek, who went out to pick tomatoes during deer mating season. A buck jumped out of a bush and stabbed him in the face so hard he needed 220 stitches to put it back together. Even after all that, he still eventually died from a blood clot caused by the beating. godrick/iStock Or tell it to the couple who called the police to save them from a deer that wouldn't let them out of the house during (you guessed it) mating season. Frank Rishel, a man in his sixties, went outside to shoo the deer away but instead got a face full of antler. Linda Yost went outside to try and help him. When police arrived, they heard her screaming, because the deer was still standing over her, goring her repeatedly. State troopers literally pulled the deer off Yost by the horns, and shot it many, many times. The wounded deer then charged another trooper until it was finally shot dead. That's the only way to stop them. Britni Patterson writes mysteries when she's not writing articles for Cracked, because going outside is too damn dangerous. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, or on her website. You can listen to Vincent Pall's damn music here. And while you're at it, buy one of his damn t-shirts here . Alecia Chambers also contributed to this article but didn't contribute a bio for herself. It's Happiness Week here at Cracked, so make sure to check back every day for content that'll grant you respite from a hard day. And don't worry, if you missed a day, you can check out everything we've done here. For more reasons to never trust a cute animal, check out The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You and 5 Adorable Animals Who Are the Biggest Assholes on Earth. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out The 4 Most Adorable Animal Rampages, and other videos you won't see on the site! Follow us on Facebook, and we'll follow you everywhere. Funny via Cracked: All Posts http://www.cracked.com May 27, 2017 at 01:44AM
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